stupidity ignorance stupdity
Milk left out.
Anything but punctual
Stupid office politics.
Loud lip smacking
Causes road rage
hairy bathroom floor
Self Righteous Hypocrites
Sprinkled toilet seat !
cap off toothpaste
apostrophes gone rogue
everything during period
Whistling office mate.
a whole nother
People not thinking
"Honey, where's the...?"
really stupid people
Coffee not made.
Who did that
open-mouthed chewing
Sandals, dirty feet.
water bottles unfilledtowels on floor
Mean rude people
husband saying "whatever"
My thoughts exactly.
Sharing dipping sauce
someone being late
Any line cutting.
empty ice trays
selfishness, rudeness, thoughtlessness
Spitting on sidewalk*gag*
Toenails clipped publicly
People With Peeves
fighting over Wii!
Axes to grind
Can't list all!
Rippled stretch pants
constant throat clearing
half open doors
parents ignoring children
public nose picking
He says "IknowIknowIknow
Dirty abandoned Q-tips
No internet connection
failing computer batteries
I live this!
microsoft word crashed!!!
it's/its typosthey're/their typos
clumsy nighttime spiders
overly aggressive drivers
blocking the intersection
Refrigerator door ajar!
People Thinking Negatively
unruly children screaming
husband missed hamper
publishd mispeled wurds
All outta love!
remarks about weight
Post a Comment
stupidity ignorance stupdity
Milk left out.
Anything but punctual
Stupid office politics.
Loud lip smacking
Causes road rage
hairy bathroom floor
Self Righteous Hypocrites
Sprinkled toilet seat !
cap off toothpaste
apostrophes gone rogue
everything during period
Whistling office mate.
a whole nother
People not thinking
"Honey, where's the...?"
really stupid people
Coffee not made.
Who did that
open-mouthed chewing
Sandals, dirty feet.
water bottles unfilled
towels on floor
Mean rude people
open-mouthed chewing
husband saying "whatever"
My thoughts exactly.
Sharing dipping sauce
someone being late
Any line cutting.
empty ice trays
selfishness, rudeness, thoughtlessness
Spitting on sidewalk
Toenails clipped publicly
People With Peeves
fighting over Wii!
Axes to grind
Can't list all!
Rippled stretch pants
constant throat clearing
half open doors
parents ignoring children
public nose picking
He says "IknowIknowIknow
Dirty abandoned Q-tips
No internet connection
failing computer batteries
I live this!
microsoft word crashed!!!
it's/its typos
they're/their typos
clumsy nighttime spiders
overly aggressive drivers
blocking the intersection
Refrigerator door ajar!
People Thinking Negatively
unruly children screaming
husband missed hamper
publishd mispeled wurds
All outta love!
remarks about weight
Post a Comment